Saturday, January 24, 2009

At Camp, Eating Watermelon

I like photographs, like this one, that are so over/underexposed, out-of-focus, or faded that you can hardly make out what they're of. It's sometimes hard to spend money on them though. I have a collection of "mess-up" slides which I hope to outfit in a slide carousel one day. My old housemate, Timber, gave me a slide projector before I moved out, but without carousels. The specificity of this caption is what makes this one interesting-- I may have overlooked it without this information because of the obscurity of the image. But the caption makes me notice and wonder about this huge wooden porch, those bare white knees and sharp smiling watermelon rinds. It's a very small photograph-- the green in the back is a tea bag-- my scanner wasn't imaging the photo because it's so light-colored. A seal on the back reports that this picture was printed in a town called Sutton in West Virginia, a place I've never been.

I received the Indian Brook newsletter, The Lightning Bug, yesterday in the mail. It was sweet to see pictures of the kids from last summer and made me miss camp, not necessarily Indian Brook, but more the idea of camp, dearly.

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