Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dena. Margaret. me. Ralph.

I had a great weekend. Made some good art yesterday, started some new projects. Read most of Roland Barthes' Camera Lucida, am still spinning. Adrienne's birthday party, had good talks with good people. Went for a long walk. Had my last day of work for the semester. Sat in the park. Took myself on a date (table for one, please). Looked at many photographs, chose a few of them (here is one). Roland Barthes told me today, "what I can name cannot prick me," when explaining his inability to describe why he loves some pictures and not others. He goes on, "The incapacity to name is a good sign of disturbance," which I interpret to mean that good pictures shake us into silence, a place where thought can begin to become audible.

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